Monday 20 October 2014

Non - Narrative Illustration - Poster Development

As I decided not to use real blood as I thought it would be a little distasteful, the fact I couldn't buy it from anywhere and for health and safety reasons, I made an alternative. I mixed together flour, golden syrup, red food colouring, water and Brilliant Red Brusho and it made a horrible consistency but when I used it t worked really well.

I used the poster I originally drew and went over the red with the fake blood I made. This scan has changed the colours of the image once again so the blood looks very pink but I can edit this to look better and more like blood.

 I went through the process of creating my poster again, adding all of the little bits and bobs like the blood splatter and the black splat.
 This is where I added the text. I used one of the fonts I created and used 'Murder Ballads' on the top of the poster. I changed the colour from red to black using the levels tool and I really like how it has turned out. Below you can see the final poster. I changed the hue / saturation of the red section and I think it looks so much more like blood now, the texture I have gotten is also really effective. The size of the poster will be A2 printed and the digital version is 400px x 400px at 72dpi both ith a 5mm bleed.

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