Monday 20 October 2014

Non - Narrative Illustration - Fashion Editorial Illustration

As a follow up to my previous Fashion Editorial post I now show my process of creating my Fashion Illustration. I looked at a Fashion Illustrator that I found on Pinterest called Alena Lavdovskaya and her style really influenced me. I love her use of line and her simple colour pallet, I took this into my Illustration.

I started out by sketching some rough designs whilst looking at male fashion poses and I chose two which I really liked and developed them. By developed I mean I added the clothes to a simple figure shape and got these two images (Left and Right). I much prefer the image to the right as I think the pose is more powerful as the pose is very frontal and the strut is prominent in the image, this portrays Nick Caves vain attitude very well. Drawing faces is not my forte so for the sketch I left it out and just as a space filler I drew his eyebrows and to be honest, I really liked how it looked. I think the hair and the eyebrows give the viewer the right amount of information to make out that this is Nick Cave. The image below was pretty much the final illustration, I used watercolours and a Molotow acrylic pen to create this and I really like it. I like the grey tones and the way the background works with the pose. I also tried out some colour as you can see on the side but I didn't think it would work so I decided against it.

This is my finalised Fashion Illustration. At the size 150mm x 10mm 300dpi with a 5mm bleed. (Also the background is white, blogger has changed it and I'm not sure why)

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