Friday 10 October 2014

Non - Narrative Illustration - Poster Development

After realising that the images I previously drew were really good for a poster I decided to work into it again. I basically just added a border to the images. Borders around illustrations are is a trend right now and I really like it, I used borders in some of my images from my Narrative project last year and I thought it looked really nice. I think a border finishes off an image really well. I added one to the image I didn't like at first just to see if it looked any didn't. I still don't like it so this one will not be used. The second one however I think looks really good I didn't put the border all the way around, I just connected it to the ends of Nick Caves shirt and created a box above his head. I didn't want to put a border all around the image including the red because I think the image would lose it's freedom and loose effect. I think it works really well the way I've done it and I think this box area is where I will place the text for the advertising poster.  

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