Before I made my packaging for my postcards I looked at styles of packaging that already exists. I found lots of different interpretations of packaging and I really like the styles below. The first one looks to me like the cards are wrapped in tissue paper and then there is a paper wrap around the that to keep it together. I really like this one because it is very simple to make and it does it's job really well. Also, I find it very aesthetically pleasing. The second one is kind of a box that folds up. I think this would be cool if there were magnets inside the tabs and that's how the box stays shut. I also really like the pattern on this. The last one is more like an envelope with a tab which tucks into a slit and that's how it stays together. I like the paper material of this one, I think the brown works really well.
Because the images on my postcards are rather loud I thought that going for a more simplistic packaging design would be the best direction. I took an A4 sheet of layout paper (tracing paper) and folded in all of the edges around the stack of postcards. I then stuck the paper down with some tape, just to note if I was producing these to sell I would use tape which is pretty much transparent and that peels off easy with no rips. I then printed out the title "Murder Ballads" onto an A3 sheet of cartridge paper and then cut out the title in a strip of paper that would wrap around the postcards, I also secured this together with a bit of tape. I really like how this looks, I think the layout paper works well because you can see the images through the paper and I also think the wrap around looks very professional. I didn't put any images on the packaging for the simple fact that my postcard images are really strong, in my opinion, and I didn't want to over power it. Some times less is more. I have created this in a landscape format but I could just as easily make a portrait format too. I believe this would be a really cheap and effective way of packaging my postcards as not much ink was used in the process and the paper I used was less than £1 in total.