Monday, 6 January 2014

The Book of Drawings Image Two

This is the second image in the series and it is a drawing from the inside of a bus. I sketched out a few simple drawings of the insides of buses and picked the angle I like best. I again used a round brush in black to draw the outline and I wanted to make the poles into octopus tentacles because I think that it would be unusual and I tried some different techniques of doing this and I found that using a pressure sensitive brush in black worked best because it added tone. I also drew the face of a lion in the bus driver window because most bus drivers are portrayed as quite angry people. I also thought it would look pretty good if I left a plain white space where a person would be sitting and I think it looks interesting and even a little bit creepy.
Next I decided to colour the under layers of the image including the floor, the roof and the windows. I used different shades of grey and added shading to eh windows and roof. For the floor I firstly used a dark grey and then a spatter brush to create a texture.

Next I finished the rest of the poles by drawing on the tentacles and using dark and light grey to create tone and shadows.

Next I coloured the chairs and used a textured brush to create the texture on the chair handles and the fabric on the seats. The chairs turned out to be a blue/grey but I like the way it looks. Also, I really like how the white silhouette is looking.

After looking through my animals sketchbooks I though that this image would look good with some kind of tall animal standing up and I think a meekat worked really well. To create the meerkat I used a round brush and a grass brush that I think looked like fur. I duplicated the meerkat layer a few times so that the fur became darker and the light areas became more defined.

When I finished the meerkat I copied the image of it, flipped it and changed the opacity to create a reflection in the bus window that I think looks quite good.

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