Thursday 9 January 2014

The Book of Drawings: Binding

For my final book I decided I would print my images onto cartridge paper because it is good quality therefore making a book with it will make it very durable. I had a few problems printing at first but after a few practice tries I got there in the end. I printed my images off back to back so that they folded nicely in order and so I was only using a limited amount of pages. I put the 3 sheets together and held them in place with some bulldog clips so they didn't move and used a needle to pierce five holes into the crease of the pages. I got some white cotton and used a saddle stitch to stitch the pages together. I really like the outcome of this binding and I think it will look really good when the cover is added.
Here are some images of how the binding turned out. I also converted the images in photoshop to greyscale because some of the grey tones I used in my drawings had a purple/blue tinge to them and I didn't like how it looked.

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