Thursday 9 January 2014

The Book of Drawings: Binding Test

I found a video on youtube on how you bind a book using something called a saddle stitch and I really wanted to try this because it looked like a really simple and neat way of binding with a professional looking finish. 
When I tried printing my final images to make my book I had a few printing problems so I used the images that weren't successful to trial this technique. These images show my results.

This is the spine of the test book and I think that the thread looks very neat and the excess can be hidden when the cover is added.

This is the inside the first page of the book. I really like how this looks because you can barely see the stitching and I think it looks really professional.

This is the centre of the book which was my main concern in case the thread looked messy but I was surprised when it looked very tidy. I also think that using white thread was a good choice because you can barely see it against the paper. I definitely think I am going to use this binding technique as I think it is very effective.

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