Monday 6 January 2014

The Book of Drawings Image Six

For my last image I decided to draw the street I walk along at the end of the day. I used the round brush tool and the mixer tool to create this and I even used the shape tools to create the traffic lights. I tried to capture the weather but changing the opacity of the layers to make them look hazy. I think it worked quite well. 
I created the sky the same as I did this others using the cloud looking tool. I tried making the sky look darker to show a later time of the day.

Like in my third image I thought that something coming out of the ground would look good so I drew an oversized mole emerging from the road. I used the grass tool for the fur and just the round tool for the feet. I think this looks quite weird but I like it.

I wanted to add some trees into the image but when I was trying to create it using the normal pen tools I could not seem to get them to look right so I downloaded tree brushes and I think they look much better.

After looking through my animal sketchbooks I decided I wanted to add a giraffe peeking around the corner. I used the fur tool and the rounded tool to create texture and tone and I think it looks rather good in my own opinion. I don't think this is one of my strongest images but I think it still fits in well with the flow of the series.

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