Monday 12 January 2015

Commercial Image Creation - Brusho

As I previously blogged, I needed to come up with a colour pallet for my illustrations. After looking at the already existing issues of the magazine and thinking about my audience I have decided to go with a blue/red, green/yellow colour theme and to use Brusho for the backgrounds. I tried out a few different techniques with the Brusho. The first did not work so well as the colour was too strong and the Brusho powder had clumped on top of the image and it did not look good at all. This technique was wetting the page with water and then sprinkling the Brusho on the top. You can see below how this turned out.

After the first technique failed I took a different approach. I sprinkled the Brusho colours onto the page first and then used a sponge to squeeze water on top of the powder. This created large beads of water on the page which I then soaked back up with the sponge leaving only a light patch of colour on the page. This technique worked much better because I had a little bit more control and the colour and shape came out really well and I think they will be perfect to use in my illustrations.

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