Thursday 14 November 2013

Digital Manipulation: Octopus

This is the first digital image I created of an octopus and to do this I opened a sketch I drew of an octopus and traced the outline. I then removed the scanned image so I was just left with the black outline 
I stuck to one shape brush on this image because it was my first time using a Cintiq so I just wanted to keep it simple for my first try. I used a light orange as a base colour so that I could work over the top with darker colours. I really like the tones I have managed to create with the colours I used and I also like some of the sketchy lines around the head area.
When I finished colouring the octopus I wanted to add a background so  I created a new layer and put it behind the octopus and used a range of blues and used the 'mixer brush' tool to merge the colours together. I really like ow this has turned out, especially because it was my first time drawing graphically.

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