Tuesday 8 October 2013

Katherine Asher


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Katherine Asher is a freelance illustrator who has worked for companies such as Max Factor, BBC and Armani. She illustrates a range of subjects but I particularly like her animal drawings.

Illustrations I like:
I really like this illustration because I think the simplicity of it has a really nice effect.
I think the reason that it works so well is because the media she has used creates
texture and shape therefore the initial outline of the bird is very effective.
I am very intrigued by the style of her work because her drawings are so simple yet they
have some kind of effective detail about them. I really like the greys used in this illustration along with
the tones that have been created. 
This illustration is so loose and that's why I liked it so much. The way the nest has been drawn is really nice,
I like how it's messy yet you still know what it is representing. I also really like the shading on the
birds body and head, I think it adds a soft texture to the image. 
I really love the colours used on this illustration, they are so bright and vibrant and it captures the texture
of the bird really well.

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