Thursday 26 September 2013

Miranda Sofroniou (lots of really good links on here)

Miranda is an illustrator who uses materials and techniques such as collage, painting and ink to create aesthetically pleasing children's books.

Illustrations I like:
I really like these types of drawings because I think they look really
effective when done in pen/ink. I also really like to work in this style
because I find it fun to do and it is such an effective and simple
way to sketch.

I'm not usually very keen on most types of collage but I really like this.
I think that the different types of pattern and shape are really effective
because it adds texture and colour to the image which makes it more
interesting for children to look at.
I am really inspired by these kinds of prints and have always wanted to design
on myself. I really like this on in particular because the drawings and colour are
so simple yet very quirky and quite real. I really like the use of colour and the
technique she has used because there is no complicated detail.
I chose this image to add because I just found it really funny.
I like the style that she draws in because she makes a simple line drawing
look ridiculously good which I think is really hard to do. I think drawings like this
can either be badly drawn and look bad or badly drawn and look really good.
(If that made any sense.)

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