Saturday, 19 April 2014

Illustration Six

The next part of the story I illustrated was the part where Hansel and Gretel are eating the house made of candy. I decided that I would choose the part where Gretel is sat on the floor eating the window pane. 

I drew small sketches of my niece as she was playing on the floor and eating food. I got a few different positions but I think one of them fits perfectly.

I chose this one because she is about to eat something and I think it is a very good position to use for the image I want to create. 

I redrew the image and added the clothes that needed to be on the character.

I then printed the image and I think it looks really good.

Next I added some floor texture and a piece of candy sat next to her on the floor..

This is how this image will be positioned in the book. I really like the composition of this one but I think I may flip the image around the other way because I dont think it looks right with her looking towards the outside but I will have a check of this before I set it as my final image.

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